Since I started writing fiction, my major mode of expression changed. In college and after, I wrote historical analysis: papers, my dissertation, articles, etc. As a market research consultant I wrote expository stuff: methodology, literature reviews, drawing meaning from both qualitative and quantitative analysis of surveys and focus groups and making recommendations for action based on them. Then in the early 1990s, I began writing fiction. A new medium of expression. That experience was transformational. Teaching entrepreneurship and practicing real estate led me to blogging, and all aspects of my professional life are coming together. I see connections between all of my writing, my real estate, and my practicing entrepreneurship, and my music as well, so I'm blogging. It's all exciting and fun and helpful to people I hope. What I mean to say is that each genre, for lack of a better term, allows me to express myself. And any form you may choose will help you, if you do it rigorously, consciously, with an eye toward always improving the form. You might find, letter writing, done seriously, and with thought, can be an artform that you want to pursue.
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Thursday, September 11, 2008
Different forms of writing
Different forms of writing
Author Profile:
Tim was a market and survey research consultant from 1983 to 2000 and a smoking cessation researcher from 2000 to 2003. His consulting practice focused primarily on conducting community health needs assessment. He authored hundreds of market research reports and published a number of his assessments in Community Health Needs Assessment published by McGraw Hill in 1996 and in a revised volume published in 1999. In 2000 he joined the staff of the Center for Tobacco Research and Intervention of the University of Wisconsin-Madison where he conducted smoking cessation research. He published several articles in peer-reviewed journals and spoke at national smoking cessation conferences.
In 2003 he moved to Philadelphia and earned his real estate license. He now practices real estate, works on publishing his novels, and studies and teaches entrepreneurship.Tim has written a dozen novel-length stories, a volume of short stories, and about a 3-foot stack of pages poetry. He is currently working on earning his 4th million in real estate sales, publishing his novels, and working on an entrepreneurish handbook as a support for his students.
Tim is a trained violist and an experienced string quartet player. He is an avid listener to classical music and regularly attends classical music concerts. He has two grown children by his first wife and a stepdaughter with his second wife. He likes to cook, read, write, entertain, develop relationships, and help other people. Formerly Tim used to travel frequently. He doesn't so much anymore. Now he regards the combination of real estate practice, writing and publishing, and the teaching and studying of entrepreneurship as enough of a trip.