Using gloves, and the kind of gloves we wear, tag us in a certain way as they separate us from the world around us.
Finger tips provide information to the brain. They give us some of the data we need to do things. Wearing gloves interferes with the ability of the body to do it's job. When we put on gloves for cleanliness or for protection from potential damage or the weather, or to make some kind of fashion statement, we're cutting ourselves off from our outer world.
In an old Matlock TV rerun, last night, the killer used gloves when he strangled his victim. The program was pretty lame, but I've always liked Andy Griffith, from his first appearance in No Time For Sergeants. I still enjoy the old Andy Griffith Show reruns. There's a wisdom and authenticity about him which shines through despite his flaws. His character is cleverly contrasted with the bumbling Barney Fife. And he's the glue that ties the community together.
I don't like the Matlock character as much as Raymond Burr's Perry Mason in the old series. Not the newer revival programs which are also lame. But on this Saturday night, it was just about as challenging as my mind could deal with.
Anyway, the bad guy wore gloves when he did his dastardly deeds, so as not to leave finger prints, but also to separate himself from his victims.
No worries, Matlock got his man. Just like Perry Mason did.
What do you think? I'd like to know. And Christmas is coming. Order a copy of this book off this blog or go to It would make a good present for someone who loves classical music and murder mysteries.
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Sunday, March 1, 2009
Gloves as Symbol: "My hands were shaking so much..." [p. 27]
Perry Mason,
Author Profile:
Tim was a market and survey research consultant from 1983 to 2000 and a smoking cessation researcher from 2000 to 2003. His consulting practice focused primarily on conducting community health needs assessment. He authored hundreds of market research reports and published a number of his assessments in Community Health Needs Assessment published by McGraw Hill in 1996 and in a revised volume published in 1999. In 2000 he joined the staff of the Center for Tobacco Research and Intervention of the University of Wisconsin-Madison where he conducted smoking cessation research. He published several articles in peer-reviewed journals and spoke at national smoking cessation conferences.
In 2003 he moved to Philadelphia and earned his real estate license. He now practices real estate, works on publishing his novels, and studies and teaches entrepreneurship.Tim has written a dozen novel-length stories, a volume of short stories, and about a 3-foot stack of pages poetry. He is currently working on earning his 4th million in real estate sales, publishing his novels, and working on an entrepreneurish handbook as a support for his students.
Tim is a trained violist and an experienced string quartet player. He is an avid listener to classical music and regularly attends classical music concerts. He has two grown children by his first wife and a stepdaughter with his second wife. He likes to cook, read, write, entertain, develop relationships, and help other people. Formerly Tim used to travel frequently. He doesn't so much anymore. Now he regards the combination of real estate practice, writing and publishing, and the teaching and studying of entrepreneurship as enough of a trip.