On p. 15, Will shows us his unique ability to become invisible. Henry comments on it after his interview of Fenton Kearney. Here's this interaction between Henry and Will, Henry speaking first:
'Do you know you were very good back there?'This idea of invisibility interests me. Joni Mitchell has a song about wishing she had a river so she could sail away. Kind of the same thing. In fact, I have the beginning of a novel about it. Ralph Ellison of course wrote his terrific novel Invisible Man. H.G. Wells wrote his novel, The Invisible Man , and H.F. Saint wrote his very engrossing Memoirs of an Invisible Man, published in 1987. There's also a non-fiction book entitled How to Become Invisible showing how to not show up anywhere so you can't be found. I'm interested, though, in a character who really is invisible. Sort of like Kafka's Gregor, who turns into some big cockroach-like bug in The Metamorphosis, the only short story Kafka ever finished, and one of my all time favorite short stories. These are all interesting stories. I recommend them to you.
'I was?' I said.
'I almost thought you'd become invisible.'
Anyway, if you're interested in invisibility, or anything else about this novel, post a comment. I'd like to know.
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